18 Seats 6m MiniBus Diesel Manual Bus

Product Description

An 18-seat, 6-meter mini bus with a diesel engine and manual transmission is a compact vehicle designed for transportation in smaller groups or in areas with limited space. 

Here are some details about this type of bus:

Seating Capacity: The mini bus can accommodate up to 18 passengers, including any additional seating for the driver and other staff members.

Length: The bus is 6 meters long, making it a compact option suitable for maneuvering through narrow streets and areas with restricted space.

Manual Transmission: The bus is equipped with a manual transmission system, where the driver manually shifts gears using a clutch pedal and gear stick. Manual transmissions are commonly found in commercial vehicles and offer control over gear selection.

Diesel Engine: The mini bus is powered by a diesel engine, which runs on diesel fuel. Diesel engines are known for their fuel efficiency, reliability, and torque, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications.

Mini Bus Configuration: The bus is designed for smaller group transportation, such as shuttle services, airport transfers, or local tours. It typically features comfortable seating for passengers, large windows for visibility, air conditioning (depending on the model and specifications), and storage compartments for luggage.


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